Aeris Partners Business Continuity Plan
Client Disclosure Statement
Aeris Partners LLC (“Aeris Partners” or the “Firm”) maintains a Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”) that identifies procedures relating to an emergency or Significant Business Disruption (“SBD”) that are reasonably designed to enable it to meet its existing obligations to clients.
Firm Policy
Aeris Partners’ policy is to respond to an SBD as follows:
• Ensure the safety of Firm employees and others as well as Firm property
• Protect the Firm’s books and records
• Make a financial and operational assessment of the situation
• Quickly recover and resume operations and enable our clients to transact business
Significant Business Disruptions and Scope of Plan
Aeris Partners’ plan anticipates two types of SBDs, internal and external. Internal SBDs affect only the Firm’s ability to communicate and to conduct business, and may include a fire or loss of electrical power. External SBDs prevent the operation of the securities market or a number of firms and may include a terrorist attack, a natural disaster or another event that causes wide-scale, regional disruption of essential services.
The Scope of business operations our BCP addresses includes:
• Client Access to Records and Information
• Data Backup and Recovery
• Financial and Operational Assessments
• Mission Critical Systems
• ID Theft Protection and Cybersecurity
• Alternate Communications between the Firm and Clients, Employees and Regulators
• Critical Business Constituents, Banks and Counterparties
• Regulatory Reporting
Client Access to Records and Information
The Firm maintains transaction records as required by applicable regulations. In the event of an SBD, if telephone or email communication is unavailable, the Firm will seek alternate means to provide client access.
Data Backup and Recovery
Hard Copy Backup: Aeris Partners maintains physical records related to activities within its offices. Files are also stored on electronic media within the office. In the event of loss, the Firm will either physically recover the storage media or electronically recover data from its backup site.
Electronic Backup: Aeris Partners also maintains offsite copies of its electronic records that are backed up in real time. For the loss of electronic records, the Firm will either physically recover the storage media or electronically recover data from its backup site.
Financial and Operational Assessments
Operational Risk: In the event of an SBD, Aeris Partners will immediately identify any methods available that will enable personnel to communicate with clients, critical business constituents, critical banks, critical counter-parties and regulators. In addition, the Firm will retrieve key records as described in Data Backup and Recovery.
Financial and Credit Risk: In the event of an SBD, our BCP addresses the Firm’s ability to fund operations, to maintain adequate financing and to maintain sufficient capital.
Mission Critical Systems
The Firm engages in investment banking activities. Our primary mission critical systems include communications systems such as telephone and Internet-enabled communication that enable communication with clients and counterparties, as well as other broker-dealers. Our BCP addresses procedures that enable the Firm to continue operations.
Theft Protection and Cybersecurity
The Firm’s BCP requires us to attempt to prevent unauthorized access to all Firm systems and to inform related parties of any intrusions that compromise client information.
Alternate Communications between the Firm and Clients, Employees and Regulators
In the event of an SBD, the Firm will assess which means of communication may be available to us and use the means closest in speed and form to the means we have used in the past to communicate with the other party, including telephone, email, facsimile, U.S. Mail, courier services or in-person communications.
Critical Business Constituents, Banks and Counterparties
The Firm’s BCP requires us to contact clients and critical counterparties, as well as banks and business constituents, to determine the extent to which the Firm can continue its business relationship in the event of an internal or external SBD.
Regulatory Reporting
In the event of an SBD, the Firm will contact FINRA, the SEC and other regulators to determine what means of reporting are available to us and establish communications as outlined in Alternate Communications between the Firm and Clients, Employees and Regulators.
Updates and Annual Review
The Firm will review this BCP periodically, and update this plan whenever there is a material change in its operations, structure, business or location. At minimum, the Firm will review this BCP annually.
If you have further questions or wish to receive a copy of our BCP, please contact our office at 617-751-4010 or by email at